South Texas Dove Hunt

Bella had a great year retrieving doves. The dove hunting was phenomenal. Looking forward to next year!

South Texas Deer Hunt 2021

A great father/son hunt for South Texas Deer. Great memories!

2021 Tromba Ranch Wounded Warrior Hunt

This was our 10th anniversary hosting the Wounded Warriors at our ranch in Webb County near Bruni. We had a great hunt and beautiful weather this year, we took 5 bucks and several does and coyotes. One of the bucks shot by Purple Heart Recipient Robert scored 143 with one of his G2’s broken off. […]

Tromba Ranch Cattle Round up January 2020

2020 Wounded Warrior Hunt Tromba Ranch

We had a really good hunt in mid-January of this year with the Wounded Warriors, and we were honored to share our place with them for a weekend. It was great to spend time with these patriots, and these guys could shoot! We got lucky with a cold snap the last morning and the bucks […]

Rollerchopping and aerating soil Webb Co.

We recently purchased a chopper/aerator to improve the browse for deer on our place.  We hope to do about 200 to 300 acres a year for the next 5 years or so. I doubt this place has ever seen one of these machines, but much of the ranch has been chained at one time or […]